Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's been way too long

I had these grand ideas that I would write something every week for this blog. Well, reality has struck. I hardly have time to think about writing, much less actually do so. I think it will get better, but I don't know how regular I'll be. Anyway, I thought I'd post a video today. We've taken Sesame to swimming lessons the last two weeks and she really enjoys it. Apparently, there are a lot of reflexes that can be used to teach her how to swim at such a young age. (She is 11 1/2 weeks old right now.) So, the following video is from her swim class yesterday. There's a bit of swimming and a big finish at the end.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What a finish! Little Miss Standing! Crazy!

Water babies classes are fantastic for kids; it's never too early!