Friday, June 29, 2007

Ethics, Values, and Cloth Diapers

I have to differentiate between values and ethics. Trust me, this relates to parenthood, especially in Portland. Values are variable as one's station in life changes. When I was in college, I valued, free time, independence, and my friends. When I was married, I valued "being an adult," supporting my wife, maintaining a job, etc. As a parent, and even when while Casey was pregnant, my values shifted away from personal gain and enjoyment and, instead, toward supporting my daughter and securing her future (as much as I can.)
Being a good steward of creation, reducing waste, eating sustainably, and other environmental concerns (typical Portland) are not mine and Casey's values. Those are part of our ethics. Ethics don't change so easily. They are a part of what we believe is right and honorable. Here's an equation to illustrate: (ethics + station in life = values) It is because of our ethics that we do not eat fast food. It is because of our ethics that we fanatically recycle. It is because of our ethics that we use cloth diapers. My mother doesn't believe that we will stick with cloth diapers. At least, she didn't think we would. It's been almost a month and we still use them. We don't see it as inconvenient. We use cloth diapers because we can't, ethically, use disposable. If other parents want to, I won't judge them (too much), but we simply can't do it.
I'm on the wrong computer to post any good pics of Sesame. I'll try to get a recent one up sometime this week.

1 comment:

the kicker is... said...

(response from what you said on my post): Hmmm... I listened to that, and honestly, I felt like the author told a lot of stories, but she didn't sound much like she really knew her stuff. When the one caller asked about why Europeans are thinner than Americans, she danced around it. Her book title sounds impressive, but she didn't (at least not to me!)
Thanks for the link though!

I don't doubt that there are some biological dispositions we all have toward weight (I haven't always been big, but I've always had big legs - ever since I can remember - so that I feel is probably biological). But I also don't doubt that working at weight loss via healthy diet and working out is a healthy way to go. I sort of felt like they were discounting that. Did you get that feel?

BTW: loved this post on Ethics/Values/Cloth Diapers. Nice work